Assets Management and Performance of Selected Quoted Firms in Nigeria

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Assets Management and Performance of Selected Quoted Firms in Nigeria

ABSTRACT:- The study examined asset management and performance of selected quoted firms in Nigeria. Specifically, the study analyzed effect of current asset on the profit after tax, effect of non-current asset on the profit after tax, and effect of debt-equity ratio on the profit after tax of ten (10) quoted firms in Nigeria for ten years spanning from 2007 to 2016. Panel data were collected across the selected quoted firms over the time period covered in the study. Data for the study were sourced from the annual reports of the sampled firms. Data were analyzed using panel techniques of estimation including Pooled OLS, fixed effect and random effect estimation, alongside post estimation test such as restricted F-test, Hausman test, Wald test of heterogeneity, Wooldridge autocorrelation test and Pesaran test of cross-sectional dependence. Results revealed that current assets exert insignificant positive impact on profit after tax to the tune of .0404019 (p=0.250 > 0.05), non-current assets exert significant positive impact on profit after tax, with coefficient estimate of .0685197 (p=0.000 < 0.05), Debt-equity ratio on the other hand exerts insignificant negative impact on profit after tax, with reported coefficient estimate of -719.1976(p=0.307 > 0.05). The study found out that assets management contributed meaningfully towards improved performance of quoted firms in Nigeria, especially when measured in terms of profit after tax, on the other hand, the study established that increase in the leverage ratio of quoted firms in Nigeria has the capacity to affect improved performance especially when measured in terms of profit after taxQuoted firms in Nigeria should ensure to maintain a non-current asset positive that is substantial for sustaining their performance and help to attain market stability that can culminate into higher market share, expansion and growth. firms should look into management of leverage ratio, so as to reduce the likelihood of reduce performance due to rising debt-equity ratio and also designed an internal monitoring system that could help to maintain a balance between current assets and non-current assets in order to guide against loss of operational efficiency that can ensue when the importance of non-current assets were overemphasized at the expense of current assets.

Keywords:- Assets Management. Current Assets, Non-current Assets, Leverage Ratio, Performance, Profit After Tax, Quoted Firms

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