The Impact of Business Intelligence on Sustainable Business Entrepreneurship in the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies

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The Impact of Business Intelligence on Sustainable Business Entrepreneurship in the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies

ABSTRACT : This study aimed to identify the impact of business intelligence on business sustainable entrepreneurship, the study was applied at the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies in Amman which are (9) companies that accepted to be part of the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data, the study sample consisted of (128) respondents. Used a comprehensive survey due to the limitations of the population. The most important findings the study reached that there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significant (P≤0.05) of business Intelligence on business sustainable entrepreneurship; there is a strong correlation between business intelligence and business sustainable entrepreneurship dimensions. With the most notably recommendations: The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies should focus on Business Intelligence, as it is one of the most important means to improve sustainable entrepreneurship, developing their sustainable awareness, and the culture of business intelligence among their leaders and employees about the essential role of business intelligence and effective strategic management to anticipate the future, and enhance institutional excellence. As well as enhancing the capabilities and mechanisms of strategic foresight for the future.


KEYWORDS Business Sustainable entrepreneurship, Business Intelligence, Pharmaceutical Industrial.

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