The Role of Compensation In Improving Staff Productivity at PT Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia

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The Role of Compensation In Improving Staff Productivity at PT Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia

ABSTRACT:- The purpose of this study is to: a) Analyze major factors affecting the improvement of human resource productivity at PT. Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia is associated with compensation; b) Formulating compensation strategies and policies to increase HR productivity in PT. Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia. This type of research is the descriptive correlation, a type of research that describes a systematic, factual and accurate description of the facts and properties of a particular object or population by detecting the extent of the coefficient of correlation between causal factors (independent variables) and the resulting factors (dependent variable). The results of this study found that overall, compensation has a positive effect on human resource productivity at PT. Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia, this is by the results of the statistical test of multiple regression analysis using F-test, where the value of Calculator is 163,455, while F-table is 2,72. When compared, the F-count value is greater than F-table, so it can be concluded that H1 is accepted, there is a positive correlation of the overall variable X with Y variable, in other words, compensation affecting HR productivity in PT. Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia. While partially, it is found that each variable has a positive effect on human resource productivity at PT. Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia. This is indicated by T-test value of each component (t-count X1 = 8,618; t-calculate X2 = 1,675 and t-calculate X3 = 2,071) larger than t-table = 1,665). This case shows that the company also has a good attitude towards each variable to achieve HR productivity in PT. Anglo Eastern Plantation Management Indonesia.


Keywords: Compensation, Direct Financial Compensation, Indirect Financial Compensation, Productivity, Human Resources.

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