Determinants of Mobile Banking Adoption Behavior in Sub-Urban Areas

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Determinants of Mobile Banking Adoption Behavior in Sub-Urban Areas

ABSTRACT:- The rapid growth of mobile and smartphone technology has made internet banking a necessity for many individuals to conduct banking transactions wherever and whenever using mobile banking. Banks are one of the businesses most interested in developing such systems in order to increase consumer effectiveness and efficiency. However, the success of the implementation of Mobile banking really depends on the extent to which customers are fully motivated to adopt it. In fact, in the context of sub-urban areas, the adoption rate of Mobile banking is very low and there are quite a few studies examining problems related to Mobile banking. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the Behavioral intention and adoption of Mobile banking by BNI Syariah Purworejo customers. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is used as a theoretical basis for proposing the conceptual model used in this study. By looking at the proposed UTAUT constructs, this study focuses on assessing performance expectancy, effort expectancy, trust and facilitating conditions related to behavior. intention. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach and tested on people registered as customers of BNI Syariah Purworejo with a total sample size of 250 respondents. The findings of this study indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy and trust have a positive effect on behavioral intention. Exchange expectancy and trust have a positive effect on performance expectancy in mobile banking. Furthermore, facilitating conditions and behavioral intention were found to have a positive effect on customer intentions to adopt mobile banking.

Keywords: Mobile banking, Adoption, Behavioral intention, UTAUT.

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