Professionalism of Regional Apparatus in Facilitating The Profession of State Civil Apparatus

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Professionalism of Regional Apparatus in Facilitating The Profession of State Civil Apparatus

ABSTRACT: A fundamental important issue for each organization in responding to changes in the strategic environment is the professional aspect of human resources that can be seen from the competence and behavior of employees in carrying out their duties and functions. The division of job duties through the organization’s work unit is based on specialization supported by professional employee placement. This study uses a qualitative approach with variants of case studies and interactive data analysis with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, draw conclusions. The results showed that the local apparatus has proficiency, potential expertise, quality services and a conducive work environment in carrying out the business of facility of the civil apparatus of the state, but experienced several internal and external constraints, namely the minimal aspect of work infrastructure facilities in the form of information technology, aspects of lack of understanding about the urgency of administrative order, and weak aspects of coordination between agencies in local government agencies.

KEYWORDS – professionalism, local apparatus, professional facility

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